the strain is often very trying 意味

  • その心労は大変つらいことが多い


        not very often:    それほど~しない、めったにない
        very often:    very often 頻々 頻頻 ひんぴん
        used very often:    《be ~》使用頻度{しよう ひんど}が高い
        work very hard on trying to understand:    ~を理解{りかい}しようと一生懸命{いっしょう けんめい}になる
        not let someone have sweets very often:    あまり頻繁{ひんぱん}には(人)に甘い物を食べさせない
        trying:     trying adj. 堪えがたい, しのぎにくい. 【副詞】 She is an extremely trying woman. まったく堪えがたい女だ Traveling by train is rather trying in this hot weather. この暑い陽気では列車の旅はいささかつらい. 【+前置詞】 The experience
        as often as:    ~するたびごとに、~度も
        as often as not:    しばしば、たいてい As often as not, it rains during the games. しばしば、ゲームの途中で雨が降る。
        not often:     nót óften めったに…ない(seldom)(?◇[語法](3) ).
        often:     often adv. しばしば, たびたび. 【副詞】 often enough かなりひんぱんに every so often ときどき, ときおり How often do you come here? こちらにはどれくらい頻繁にいらっしゃいますか You can find me in my office more often than
        often as not:    
        often and often:    幾度も幾度も
        at strain:    緊張して、全力を尽くして
        on the strain:    緊張して
        strain:     1strain n. 緊張; 過労, ストレス, 苦労; 負担; 重圧; 重量; 身体の痛み. 【動詞+】 The rope will bear the strain. このロープは引っ張る力に耐えます Their relations will not bear much further strain. 彼らの関係はこれ以上の緊張に堪えられそうにもない I


  1. "the stove is smoking badly" 意味
  2. "the stove was burning well" 意味
  3. "the stove was still warm to the touch" 意味
  4. "the straight and narrow way" 意味
  5. "the strain (of the situation) was beginning to tell" 意味
  6. "the strain of modern life" 意味
  7. "the strain of the last few days has told severely on his health" 意味
  8. "the strain on the economy has burst some seams" 意味
  9. "the strain tells on one's nerves" 意味
  10. "the straight and narrow way" 意味
  11. "the strain (of the situation) was beginning to tell" 意味
  12. "the strain of modern life" 意味
  13. "the strain of the last few days has told severely on his health" 意味

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